Michael Blackson Opens Free School in Ghana

Michael Jackson via Getty Images

In the past few years, Michael Blackson has dedicated his free time to opening a school in his hometown of Agona Nsaba, Ghana called the Michael Blackson Academy Which will offer free tuition to all students that choose to attend.

Blackson released video of the event, which included a tour of the facility, live performances, and more, on his social media accounts on Tuesday, Jan. 3, when the ribbon-cutting ceremony took place.

“Today is the greatest day of my life because I’ve finally accomplished what I always wanted to do, which is giving these kids a chance to be great,” he captioned in the post. “Greatness starts with education and foundational education shouldn’t come with financial barriers.” 

Blackson tweeted.

Blackson thanked his followers in another post for helping him realise his goal of founding the school. In 2020, he initially began work on the project.

“Finally, it’s all done and the kids in my village will all go to school for free,” he wrote. “Thanks to all my fans that supported me thru out the years, every ticket you bought to my show helped a kid.”

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